no one wants nuclear waste sitting onsite (forever) at decommissioned nucelar power plants. No one wants to pour the million of cooling nuclar active water wastes into their streams or local bays. Our government does not care to find perminant nuclear waste repository sites: no state wants them in their back yard. WHO'S to blame them! nuclear waste lasts thousands of years. Also Nuclear energy is the most expnsive, to build to maintain to decommission....Green energy is the least expensive per kW hour. Don't buy into this BS. Don't consider nuclear as a viable's not.
no one wants nuclear waste sitting onsite (forever) at decommissioned nucelar power plants. No one wants to pour the million of cooling nuclar active water wastes into their streams or local bays. Our government does not care to find perminant nuclear waste repository sites: no state wants them in their back yard. WHO'S to blame them! nuclear waste lasts thousands of years. Also Nuclear energy is the most expnsive, to build to maintain to decommission....Green energy is the least expensive per kW hour. Don't buy into this BS. Don't consider nuclear as a viable's not.